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临床执业医师考试《药理学》自我检测习题 车辆行驶中出现故障应该如何处理?教你几个办法,非常管用 《成本会计》考前必练,会计本科精选习题 考前一测:中级会计职称考试《经济法》冲刺题 每日一练:初级护师重要考点练习题 新风空调,满足消费者需求的第三代空调 英语四级考试热点话题高分范文(三) 每日一练:《成本会计》习题干货 英语四级考试热点话题高分范文(四) 护师考试重要考点习题自测 (内附答案) 考前一测:中级会计职称《经济法》考前预测卷及答案 会计本科中的《成本会计》试题有哪些?快来看看今日干货 海尔专卖店,用户时代即将开启 考前必看!历年英语四级考试汉译英真题解析 汽车行驶中爆胎了应该怎么办?学会这些可以保命 考前一测:中级会计职称《财务管理》考前试题及答案 《成本会计》精选练习题,会计本科练习题 选择题小练:护师考试选择题模拟训练 四招轻松过英语四级口语考试,一起来看看吧! 考前模拟练习:注册会计师考试《审计》试题答案与解析 考前冲刺题:中级会计职称考试《财务管理》临考冲刺题 英语四级考试热点话题高分范文(一) 临床执业医师考试《外科学》选择题精选 会计本科《成本会计》精选小练习 卡梭绞肉机,助你调馅轻松 纯干货!英语四级考试写作经典句型 汽车遇到这些问题可以自己解决,不要去修理店白白浪费钱 每周一练:中级会计职称考试《中级会计实务》自测试题及答案 临床执业医师解剖学选择题答案及解析 管理会计的习题干货,会计本科经典习题 每日一练:临床执业医师儿科学试题 必背!大学英语四级考试高频词汇(七) 冲刺必刷题:中级会计职称《中级会计实务》备考冲刺题 必背!大学英语四级考试高频词汇(六) 会计本科《管理会计》每日小练习 预习试题:中药执业药师《针灸学》 比亚迪元PLUS预售开启,e平台3.0的首款纯电动SUV 必背!大学英语四级考试高频词汇(五) 考前易错题:中级会计职称考试《经济法》易错习题及答案 管理会计经典习题,会计本科习题
2022-01-05 09:19:49 责编:李赢赢



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on the importance of reading. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

“It's called ‘reading’. It's how people install new software into their brains.”


The Importance of Reading

As is described in the picture, the teacher is telling her student that it is through reading that people install new software, new knowledge in this case, into their brains. I approve of such statement because reading is of great significance in our life.

First and foremost, reading is the basic way in which we acquire knowledge of the world. Although we can obtain new information through various means, such as watching TV and surfing the Internet, we still gain most knowledge directly or indirectly by means of reading. Secondly, books are the stepping stones of human progress. Being the record of human history, books show us a world full of knowledge and wisdom. Through reading we can grasp abundant knowledge. In addition, reading is also an important way of recreation. From reading we can get pleasure and relaxation. When we are engrossed in reading, we enter a world of our own, leaving all the troubles behind.

To sum up, reading is a necessity in our life. Young people should focus more on reading, no matter when or where.


install...into...(把……装进……)、approve of(同意,赞成)、be of great significance(很重要)


acquire knowledge(获取知识)、surf the Internet(网上冲浪)、the stepping stones of human progress(人类进步的阶梯)、be engrossed in...(全神贯注于……)


to sum up(总之)、necessity(必需品)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then discuss the changes in lifestyle caused by the advances of technologies. You should give sound arguments to support your views and write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


The Technological Advances and the Changes in Lifestyle

In the picture, we can tell a gradual change of writing tools ranging from the brush to the pen and then to the computer with the handwriting becoming poorer and poorer. This is the epitome of people's changes in lifestyle caused by the advances of technologies.

As is obviously demonstrated, the development of technology is a double-edged sword. It cannot be denied that people's life becomes more convenient and comfortable with the emergence of new and advanced technologies. However, modern technologies also have some negative impacts, which cannot be ignored either. In fact, some people are confined by technologies to a mechanical cage where they use machines at work and live like an ever-running machine, stiff and inflexible.

Therefore, to live a healthy life, people should make full use of the benefits brought by the technological advances and preserve the essence of the previous lifestyles.


range from sth. to sth.(包括从……到……)、epitome(某事物的典型)


double-edged sword(双刃剑)、confine...to...(将……局限于……)、ever-running(永远运行的)、stiff(僵硬的)


make full use of...(充分利用……)、preserve(保持)、essence(要素,本质)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “A smile is the shortest distance between two people.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


More Smiles, More Understanding

There is a proverb that a smile is the shortest distance between two people. In other words, a smile is of great importance in that it can serve as a bridge to connect people and promote understanding.

For one thing, a smile is a universal language that can help two people understand each other instantly. When you are in a foreign country, you can always smile to express friendliness even if you don't speak their language. And if you ask for help with a smile, you are more likely to get it. For another, a smile can express warmth and positive energy. There was a young man who wanted to commit suicide because he felt so desperate. But eventually he gave up the thought because the vendor from whom he intended to buy a knife smiled warmly to him.

To conclude, a warm smile is effective in making people closer. Therefore, it is suggested that we should have a big smile on our face every day and treat others with sincerity and warmth. Only in this way can we make the world a better place.


serve as...(充当……)、promote(促进)


universal(通用的)、commit suicide(自杀)、desperate(绝望的)、vendor(小贩)




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “To be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


To Be a Small Fish in a Big Pond

In life, many people will face a tough choice: to be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond. Both alternatives have their own advantages and disadvantages. As for me, I will choose to be a small fish in a big pond.

For one thing, a big pond can offer us more opportunities and broaden our horizons. We can learn from the “big fishes” in a big pond, which will benefit our own development. For another, there does exist more pressure in a big pond than in a small one. However, a smart person should be able to convert pressure into impetus for personal progress. An example in point is that many college graduates choose to stay in Beijing despite the high living cost.

There is no denying that a big fish in a small pond will live a comfortable life. But the space for personal growth will be relatively small. Therefore, to be a small fish in a big pond is more beneficial in the long run.


tough choice(艰难的选择)、alternative(可供选择的事物)


horizons(眼界,范围)、convert...into...(把……转换为……)、impetus(动力)、personal progress(个人进步)、in point(恰当的)


beneficial(有益的)、in the long run(长期地)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Importance of Perseverance by commenting on the famous saying “Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.” You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


The Importance of Perseverance

As the famous saying goes, great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance. From the saying, we can learn that perseverance is one of the essential qualities that enable people to make great achievements.

Many famous people in history have attributed their achievements to perseverance. For instance, American author Helen Keller lost her sight and hearing after contracting an illness when she was only two years old, but her perseverance ultimately made her one of America's greatest writers. Beethoven also lost his hearing. Nevertheless, he never gave up and his perseverance was finally rewarded with many admired works.

As college students, we should learn to cultivate perseverance as it is a positive attitude toward life and is of great benefit to our future development. We should always keep in mind that strength is the king of the body but perseverance rules human souls.


perform(做,执行)、strength(优点,长处)、essential quality(必要品质)


attribute...to...(把……归因于……)、contract an illness(患上一种疾病)、be rewarded(得到回报,获得奖励)


cultivate(培养)、a positive attitude(一种积极的态度)、keep in mind(记住)


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专题临床执业医师考试《药理学》自我检测习题临床执业医师考试《药理学》自我检测习题专题车辆行驶中出现故障应该如何处理?教你几个办法,非常管用车辆行驶中出现故障应该如何处理?教你几个办法,非常管用专题《成本会计》考前必练,会计本科精选习题《成本会计》考前必练,会计本科精选习题专题考前一测:中级会计职称考试《经济法》冲刺题考前一测:中级会计职称考试《经济法》冲刺题专题每日一练:初级护师重要考点练习题每日一练:初级护师重要考点练习题专题新风空调,满足消费者需求的第三代空调新风空调,满足消费者需求的第三代空调专题英语四级考试热点话题高分范文(三)英语四级考试热点话题高分范文(三)专题每日一练:《成本会计》习题干货每日一练:《成本会计》习题干货专题英语四级考试热点话题高分范文(四)英语四级考试热点话题高分范文(四)专题护师考试重要考点习题自测 (内附答案)护师考试重要考点习题自测 (内附答案)专题考前一测:中级会计职称《经济法》考前预测卷及答案考前一测:中级会计职称《经济法》考前预测卷及答案专题会计本科中的《成本会计》试题有哪些?快来看看今日干货会计本科中的《成本会计》试题有哪些?快来看看今日干货专题海尔专卖店,用户时代即将开启海尔专卖店,用户时代即将开启专题考前必看!历年英语四级考试汉译英真题解析考前必看!历年英语四级考试汉译英真题解析专题汽车行驶中爆胎了应该怎么办?学会这些可以保命汽车行驶中爆胎了应该怎么办?学会这些可以保命专题考前一测:中级会计职称《财务管理》考前试题及答案考前一测:中级会计职称《财务管理》考前试题及答案专题《成本会计》精选练习题,会计本科练习题《成本会计》精选练习题,会计本科练习题专题选择题小练:护师考试选择题模拟训练选择题小练:护师考试选择题模拟训练专题四招轻松过英语四级口语考试,一起来看看吧!四招轻松过英语四级口语考试,一起来看看吧!专题考前模拟练习:注册会计师考试《审计》试题答案与解析考前模拟练习:注册会计师考试《审计》试题答案与解析专题《审计学》经典习题,会计专科习题《审计学》经典习题,会计专科习题专题车子玻璃保养的方法有这些,你知道吗?车子玻璃保养的方法有这些,你知道吗?专题kindle或将从中国市场退出?亚马逊官方作出了最新回应kindle或将从中国市场退出?亚马逊官方作出了最新回应专题英语四级考试最容易出错的151组词汇英语四级考试最容易出错的151组词汇专题考前冲刺题:注册会计师《财务成本管理》试题及答案考前冲刺题:注册会计师《财务成本管理》试题及答案专题林内热水器,高端热水市场领跑者林内热水器,高端热水市场领跑者专题会计专科《审计学》经典习题会计专科《审计学》经典习题专题考前模拟题:注册会计师考试《会计》综合提升练习题考前模拟题:注册会计师考试《会计》综合提升练习题专题必做练习!2021年12月英语四级真题试卷(第一部分)必做练习!2021年12月英语四级真题试卷(第一部分)专题西安一码通又罢工,无法查询核酸检测结果西安一码通又罢工,无法查询核酸检测结果专题