
(比如:合同规定要完成10分的工作量,结果只完成了3分的工作量)3) Incapacitation 是指违约方本身已没有能力或者没有资格执行该项合同,但是他还与被违约方签订合同。4) Breach of condition (a fundamental term of the...


丧失能力的英语如下:Incapacitation;网络disable; loss of ability; disability;释义:incapacitation,disable,loss of ability,disability 例句筛选 1.To feel joy or pleasure or any type of happiness while my son lay...


incapacitation 英 [ɪnkəpæsɪ'teɪʃən]美 [ɪnkəpæsɪ'teɪʃən]n. 力,使力,使无资格 ...


Code of practice for asses *** ent of hazard to pfe and health from fire - guidance on methods for the quantification of hazards to pfe and health and estimation of time to incapacitation and death in f...


Incapacitation of the criminal.Capital punishment permanently removes the worst criminals from society and should prove much cheaper and safer for the rest of us than long term or permanent incarceration. It is ...


另外一种与全金属包覆弹相似,也就是弹尖具有铜质包覆,但是内部完全中空以减少空气阻力;也就是说这种弹头能够维持较高的初速与较远的射程不过仍然具备比达姆弹还要好的“立即丧失行动能力”(immediate incapacitation)。由于...

capital punishment中英文

Capital punishment, the death penalty or execution, is the killing of a person by judicial process for retribution and incapacitation. Crimes that can result in a death penalty are known as capital crimes or ...

incapacitation of partner是什么意思。国际商法中的



福尔摩斯“的位置关系的现代化,更生 然而,tionists可能是值得一个字。因为,至少在一个点上,等一些作家的意见,如果出席,将有深刻的IM 在刑事实体法的协议。什么是最引人注目的,在更 康复理想的极端表现是彻底持续 刑...

capital punishment的文章

Capital punishment: where the world stands UN Chronicle, Dec, 2004 by Bree Polk-Bauman Many cultures throughout the ages have used capital punishment for grave offences, ranging from theft to murder. But ...