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收集阳光中考满分作文 过年作文500字初中 初中中秋节作文300字 中秋节作文900字初中 蚂蚁的作文怎么写 感恩的中考作文 属鸡人取名 创业公司名称大全集 带王字旁的字都有什么 很个性的微信名字 牛宝宝起什么名好 写榜样的作文 猫作文500字初中 满分作文中考 毕业生实习自我鉴定 自我鉴定700字左右 教师党员民主评议个人自我评价 游戏两字名字 农村党员自我评价简短 小学生的自我鉴定总结 以青春为话题的作文记叙文 初二上英语作文 初二英语考试作文 梦想作文500字初中 春节节日作文600字初二 中秋节作文200字3年级 初中生作文读后感 梦想类中考满分作文 八年级英语作文怎么写 趣事作文初一 欧阳姓名字 小女孩小名怎么取 高中以感动为话题作文700字 服装加工厂起名大全 中秋节作文高中抒情 作文说诚信800字 军训作文1000字高中 新生小孩起名字大全 谈谈我的高中生活作文 渝昆高铁YKYGZQ字母是什么意思
2022-07-20 14:59:56 责编:小采




Frank has just got off the train in the evening.He wants to call one of hisfriends to pick him up at once.He looks for a while and at last finds atelephone booth.But when he gets there, he sees a lady already in.There are noother public telephones nearby,so he has.to wait. He waits and waits.The lady onthe phone is just talking andlaughing.She seems as if she doesn't notice Frank.After about half an hour,the lady puts down the receiver.Frank feels a bitreleased. She is finished finally,he thinks. But to his surprise,the lady picksit up again,fishes a coin from her pocket and pushes it into the slot."Oh,no!"Frank says to himself."She is making another call."


When I was just a little girl, my relatives all said to me,"You are not abeautiful girl. If you want to be paid attention to, you must work harder thanothers."These words hurt me. So I wanted to be a beautiful girl, just like theSnow White. That was my illusion when I was five years old.

I grew up. When I was ten years old, I wanted to be a scientist. I believedthat if I was a world-famous scientist, I would be noticed by people all overthe world. I could do many good things for them.

Now I'm fifteen, I have my third illusion: I want to be a singer. Because Ilove singing. I love music. I even want to produce music myself. I also want tolet the entire world hear my voice and my songs, though I'm not the bestsinger.

I know all these are just my illusions. Maybe they will never come true.But I'm still very happy because of my illusions.


Lost time is never found again. This is something which I learned veryclearly last semester. I spent so much time fooling around that my grades beganto suffer. I finally realized that something had to be done. It was time for achange.

Now I have a new plan for using my time wisely. I have set my alarm clockahead half an hour. This will give me a head start on the day. I have alsodecided to keep a log of what I do and when I do it. Looking back on what I’vedone will give me some ideas on how to reorganize my time.


I love my mother very much. Like many other Chinese women, my mother isdiligent. She works in a primary school. In order to teach well, she preparesher lectures very carefully and often works so late at night.

My mother is very kind and sincere. She gets along with her neighbors andcolleagues. When they have difficulties, she is always ready to lend them ahelpful hand. Therefore she is loved and respected in our neighborhood. FromJoozone.com.

Mother often tells me to be honest and upright. She expects me to be usefulto the people in the future. Up to now, I still remember her saying: Do as muchas you can and you will succeed.


Why do we choose to go to the middle school? Some people say that we canlearn many basic knowledge in middle school, while others say that only we go tothe middle school can we study further in the university. They both are right,but I think the most important is during the middle school, we can learn tostudy. Study is a lifelong matter. Going to the school is the basis of study,because it can bring us knowledge as well as give some instructions to study.Compared to the whole life, the years in shcool seem short. If we have theabilities of independent study, we can get learn anytime and anywhere.Therefore, teaching students how to learn is the goal of middle schooleducation.


专题摩托车放车库多久会有灰尘摩托车放车库多久会有灰尘专题你的出现美丽了我的流年是什么意思你的出现美丽了我的流年是什么意思专题失落的记忆鹿头怪是什么失落的记忆鹿头怪是什么专题六月逢午日是哪天六月逢午日是哪天专题小黄人格鲁是异色瞳吗小黄人格鲁是异色瞳吗专题病历中为什么写阿拉伯数字病历中为什么写阿拉伯数字专题事业单位是指什么单位事业单位是指什么单位专题葵涌至高沙有没有大巴车葵涌至高沙有没有大巴车专题教师资格证怎么考 有什么要求教师资格证怎么考 有什么要求专题合肥皖智高复学校有校服吗合肥皖智高复学校有校服吗专题瑶姬为什么打不过大金乌瑶姬为什么打不过大金乌专题有责底薪和无责底薪的区别是什么有责底薪和无责底薪的区别是什么专题护士证可以自考吗怎么考护士证可以自考吗怎么考专题安徽事业单位考试能带巧克力吗安徽事业单位考试能带巧克力吗专题看到太阳出来妈妈笑了是什么歌曲看到太阳出来妈妈笑了是什么歌曲专题欧洲人黑头发的名人欧洲人黑头发的名人专题白风夕第几集登上王位白风夕第几集登上王位专题网名汀烟什么意思网名汀烟什么意思专题营业收入包括什么营业收入包括什么专题缘分百分百为什么加不了微信缘分百分百为什么加不了微信专题挂职是什么意思挂职是什么意思专题恩施有茶颜悦色恩施有茶颜悦色专题无双科技上市了吗无双科技上市了吗专题首席医官曾毅什么时候喜欢龙美心首席医官曾毅什么时候喜欢龙美心专题考塔吊证怎样报名考塔吊证怎样报名专题建造师证怎么考取需要什么条件建造师证怎么考取需要什么条件专题民国万竹亭是名家吗民国万竹亭是名家吗专题为什么会在泰安举办奥运会为什么会在泰安举办奥运会专题一个人吓唬你说明什么一个人吓唬你说明什么专题傅寒声什么时候知道萧潇很爱他傅寒声什么时候知道萧潇很爱他专题