视频1 视频21 视频41 视频61 视频文章1 视频文章21 视频文章41 视频文章61 视频扩展1 视频扩展6 视频扩展11 视频扩展16 文章1 文章201 文章401 文章601 文章801 文章1001 资讯1 资讯501 资讯1001 资讯1501 标签1 标签501 标签1001 关键词1 关键词501 关键词1001 关键词1501 专题2001
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2022-10-01 13:49:06 责编:小OO


例如,Of course, were they the first people,in the Western hemisphere? 当然,他们是西半球第一批的人吗?还有第二个例句,Which makes earth, and in particular,the northern hemisphere, warmer,这使得地球变暖了,尤其是北半球地区,接下来再来看看第三个例句,In the Southern hemisphere winter has begun,and it is summer north of the equator,在南半球,冬天已经开始,赤道以北的是夏天,hemisphere还有些短语词组,例如,northern hemisphere北半球,eastern hemisphere东半球,southern hemisphere南半球,western hemisphere西半球,hemisphere这个单词你学会了吗?
