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2022-08-22 11:31:39 责编:小采




  Engineering Department - × × × According to the recent emergence of individual employees of the implementation of the poor, low efficiency and poor coordination between departments and other issues, is to reflect on their work, the specific situation is as follows:

  1, the implementation of force: in their daily work in strict accordance with the requirements of the project management standards for inspection and construction, but sometimes the requirements of the construction team lax, problems; like security, on-site health issues; work is not deep enough, The specification is not detailed enough. As the daily work has been generally mastered, the work has been focused on communication, arrangement, implementation, subjective that this is the focus, if the implementation process to do more detailed, some things will achieve better results, but also lead to some deep-seated The problem can not be fully grasped.

  2, work efficiency: sometimes in the daily work and the construction unit communication is not enough, mentality sometimes more impetuous, can not calmly solve the problem; mainly due to the lack of fulfillment of duties, lack of sense of responsibility to work hard enough, not fine, the work is completed Can do further checks, the quality of work can not be guaranteed, or even do useful work, low efficiency.

  3, with the department: the engineering department as the company logistics department, mainly for the workshop and department services, but I do not good enough in the service, the overall sense is not strong enough, work only from their own work, sometimes with personal work Emotions, not threw himself into the work, the service is not enough fine, too much surface to deal with the problem.

  The above problems are mainly lack of their own sense of responsibility, do not work hard to deal with; sense of responsibility, the overall situation is not strong enough, ignoring the work of enthusiasm, initiative, creativity, there is a contentment to the existing level of thinking.

  In the future work, I must further improve the work style, we must strive to be good at overcoming negative thinking, get rid of irritable mood; strengthen self-building, and strive to learn their own work needs professional knowledge and business skills, better work methods and work, selfPressure always maintain a positive mental state, high standards and strict requirements, to do their jobs.


  In the company's three months of probation, I quickly adapted to the new work, into the new team, also received the recognition of colleagues and leaders in their teaching and training, their thinking, work, study And other aspects have made certain achievements, the overall quality of individuals has also been a certain increase, now I have three months to work, study the situation for a brief summary report.

  As a newly graduated college students, although there have been professional knowledge of learning, but the practice of things less contact, do not understand a lot of problems. I started to do the data professional, not familiar with a lot of processes, do not know how to do this professional work, in which case, I rely on the teacher's 

guidance, and their own serious learning, contributed to their knowledge structure Perfect and sound system of knowledge, so that their own as soon as possible, familiar with the work as soon as possible, less detours. After a period of time, I was borrowed to the Nanjing project team to do the wireless, in contact with new unfamiliar areas, the lack of experience, business knowledge requires a re-learning process, their colleagues in other help, can quickly overcome this The state into a new work life. Do not understand the problems encountered on the humbly ask other colleagues to see do not understand or do not draw the map on their own data, read the previous drawings, as much as possible to solve their own problems, do not disturb other colleagues, whether it is just to the company When learning to follow the teacher or an independent work in the completion of the affairs, are able to conscientiously, conscientiously.In daily life, I seriously obey the leadership arrangements, abide by the rules and regulations and the requirements, develop good work style.

  In the learning process, I know that there are still some shortcomings and deficiencies, mainly in the following areas:

  1, the company is not familiar with the process, the combination of theory and practice to do poor;

  2, the company's work task

s can be seriously completed, but the enthusiasm is not enough;

  3, with the company's leadership and colleagues in the exchange of ideas and work is not enough;

  4, their overall quality and business learning to be further improved.

  Over the past three months, is constantly learning, and constantly enrich the three months, is actively exploring, and gradually grow up in three months.Of course, entering the workplace, inevitably inexperienced, in business knowledge, and their own work requirements there are still some gaps. But these experiences also let me continue to mature, in dealing with a variety of issues to consider a more comprehensive, professional skills have been strengthened. Here, I would like to thank the leadership of the company and my colleagues to cultivate the guidance of my induction and help, for their mistakes in my work reminders and corrections.

I also know that graduation is only a small step in school, society is a real university. In future work, I will strive to identify their own position, to do their best to contribute to the company for the company to create real wealth, but also for their own to seek a greater progress.


  In accordance with the brigade, "Reflection Day system of notice," the spirit of my work and the actual "notice" requirements compared to view the content, found that there are some specific problems, and from their own inner reflections are as follows:

  1, political theory of learning is not enough. Seeking truth from facts, I still love to learn, but in recent years, their learning is not as hard as before.There is a tendency of pragmatism, one is not enough hard work. Always feel that they accept the fast, use the time to learn at any time, keep up.Second, in-depth thinking is not enough. Their usual learning, is a shallow understanding of the level, memory, no serious thought, not from a deeper level to understand and grasp, and to guide the actual work. Third, the theory is not enough to guide practice. Usually after learning, not good at using the theoretical point of view and methods to guide the work to promote.

  2, the concept of serving the people not deep understanding, not through.Do their own work, do good things for the masses, do practical things, correctly handle the various interests of the concept is to achieve the purpose of the most basic form. In general, there is a gap in the consciousness of action. Sometimes feel in the actual work, in specific action is difficult to accurately grasp, not completely do a good job and work closely with the practice.

  3, the way of thinking is not enough science. First, understanding the problem is biased. The study of the political situation is less sensitive is not strong, always feel to understand the overall situation, to grasp the dynamics of the outside world, the development of principles and policies is a superior thing, leadership, he is the executor, as long as the superior spirit of the implementation of the letter Implementation on the line, the lack of awareness of the overall situation and the sense of urgency. This idea is wrong, one-sided, that their immaturity.

  So in the future work, study, life process I have to make up for deficiencies now, improve self: First, we must further strengthen the political business learning, improve their own quality. Adhere to the theory with practice, seek truth from facts, emancipate the mind. Strengthen their ideological transformation, advance with the times, blaze new trails, and strengthen the concept of serving the people, so that his words and deeds are reflected in the image of urban management and law enforcement officers.

  Second, to further emancipate the mind, to adapt to work needs. With new thinking to discover and solve various problems encountered in the work, therefore, in the future work, will be learning as the carrier, pay attention to the liberation of ideas, the concept of innovation, innovative ideas and methods of work to adapt to Work needs.
