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做客送礼讲究什么礼仪常识 圣诞节为什么送苹果 平安夜都送什么礼物 平安夜送什么礼物给女朋友 给澳大利亚人送礼要注意什么 520情人节送什么礼物好 情人节送什么最好 公司开业送什么 婚礼仪式中告白送什么礼物好 新生儿送什么礼物好及注意事项 看望病人送什么 春节挑选什么礼物送亲友好 春节如何给父母挑选礼物 春节送礼健康礼品推荐 春节送礼购物指南 春节送礼的习俗与禁忌有哪些 春节拜访送礼的原则有哪些 春节给领导送礼的技巧有哪些 春节挑选什么样的礼物送客户好 春节送父母礼物攻略 情人节送女孩什么礼物 圣诞节给女朋友送什么礼物最好 春节串门送礼礼仪有哪些 春节送领导什么礼品好 职场面试精彩的自我介绍范文大全 职场面试英文自我介绍范文模板 教师仪容仪表规范要求有哪些 春节抵花添新趣 情人节送花送几朵 生日送花送什么花 扫墓送什么花 中秋节送什么礼品好 母亲节送什么花合适 春节抵花添新趣有哪些知识 29朵玫瑰代表什么意思 12朵玫瑰花代表什么 40朵玫瑰代表什么意思 66朵玫瑰代表什么意思 66朵玫瑰代表什么 夏雪草的含义
2022-06-30 22:00:00 责编:小OO













  The legend of Valentine's Day


  In ancient Rome, February 14th was a holiday for the honour of Johanna. Yuena is Rome empress, while the Romans worshiped her as the God of women and marriage. The next February 15 is called "Lupasala Festival", is used to represent the respect Festival under the rule of some Na of other gods.

  In ancient Rome, the lives of young people and young girls were strictly separated. However, in Lupasala Festival, a young man who can choose their favorite girl's name carved on the vase. In this way, the festival, the young man can dance with their own choice of girls, to celebrate the festival. If the chosen girl also on the man's interest in, they can have been matched, and eventually they will fall in love and married to walk into the church together. Later generations will be the year February 14th as Valentine's day.




  Valentine's day in English as the St. Valentine's Day (meaning: "Valentine's Day"). Literally, it is difficult to see what is the connection between Chinese and Western way. There is a touching story. In the year third Century, the ancient Rome had a tyrant named Klau Dos (Claudius). At that time, ancient Rome and outside the war, in order to supplement the troops, ordered a tyrant: a usually men of a certain age, must serve for the country to enter the army. Since then, her husband left his wife, leaving the young lovers, the entire Rome shrouded in lingering in the acacia. However, the tyranny of the prohibition of love. Not far from the tyrant's palace, there is a very beautiful temple. Friar Valentine (Valentine) lived here. Rome are very revered him, men, women and children, regardless of the distinction between rich and poor, always clustered around in his, in the raging flame before the altar, listening to Valentine's prayer.

  In ancient Rome, the war has been without stop, tyrant Crowe doss recruited a large number of citizens went to the battlefield, people Voices of discontent. Men do not want to leave the family, the boys can not bear to be separated from the lover. Crowe doss rage, he ordered people not wedding, even all have been booked marriage immediately to the dissolution of marriage. In this way many young people bid farewell to love, grief and indignation towards the battlefield. Young girls because of lost lover, grief depression.

  Valentin felt very sorry for the tyrant's abuse. When a couple came to the temple of his request for help, Valentini in the sacred altar before they quietly held a wedding ceremony. It is one of ten, ten hundred, a lot of people come here to become partners in Valentine's help. The news finally came to the palace, the tyrant's ears. Crowe doss once again fly into a rage, he ordered the soldiers stormed into the temple, dragged from a pair of being held wedding couple side will be Valentine, into a dungeon. Begging people to impeach the tyrant free, but all in vain. Valentine finally tortured to death in the dungeons.

  The grief of his friends buried in the Church of St. platon. That day is February 14th, that year is ad 270 years.

  情人节在英语里的叫法是St. Valentine's Day (原意为:“圣瓦伦丁节”)。从字面上来看,很难看出中西方叫法之间有什么联系。这里面隐藏着一个动人的故事。公元三世纪时,古罗马有一位暴君叫克劳多斯(Claudius)。当时,古罗马内外战争频仍,为了补足兵员,暴君下令:凡是一定年龄的男子,都必须进入军队为国家效劳。自此,丈夫离开妻子,少年离开恋人,整个罗马笼罩在绵长的相思中。然而,暴政禁止不了爱情。离暴君的宫殿不远,有一座非常漂亮的神庙。修士瓦沦丁(Valentine)就住在这里。罗马人非常崇敬他,男女老幼,不论贫富贵贱,总会群集在他的周围,在祭坛的熊熊圣火前,聆听瓦沦丁的祈祷。





  The legend of Valentin is one of the earliest Christians, that era to be a Christian means danger and death. To cover the other martyrs, Valentine was caught, put in jail. There he cured the daughter of the governor of blind eyes. When tyrants hear a miracle, he was very scared, so will the Valentine was beheaded. According to legend, in the execution of that day morning, valentine to the warden's daughter wrote a letter Lovey dovey's farewell letter, inscribed: your Valentine (sent from your valentine). The same day, a kind of a saffron almond trees in his grave, in order to express their feelings, this day is February 14th.
