视频1 视频21 视频41 视频61 视频文章1 视频文章21 视频文章41 视频文章61 视频扩展1 视频扩展6 视频扩展11 视频扩展16 文章1 文章201 文章401 文章601 文章801 文章1001 资讯1 资讯501 资讯1001 资讯1501 标签1 标签501 标签1001 关键词1 关键词501 关键词1001 关键词1501 专题2001
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2022-04-28 12:25:41 责编:肖闽杰


Like the song dust | like song yan wan gwon-chul

烈酒已备 | 故人未归

Liquor for | did not return a friend

ゾ守一座ㄣ空城 | ゾ等一位ㄣ旧人

ゾ keep a be empty city | ゾ wait a be crucified

三生烟火 | 一世迷离

Be fireworks | I be blurred

`衬衣夹克为你 | `高跟牛仔配你

` shirt jacket for you | ` high-heeled cowboy with you

花间心安舞 | 月下自在眠

Peace among the flowers dance | comfortable sleep under the moon

づ黙认゛緈冨 | づ黙认゛耒来

づ 黙 recognize ゛ 緈 冨 | づ 黙 recognize ゛ Lei

那女人、咱疼 | 那男人、我爱

The woman, I ache | that man, my love

万般皆是命 | 半点不由人

Life is burnished | any people

靠他肩 | 抚她脸

On his shoulder | stroke her face

万人嫌 | 千人憎

Ten thousand people too | ten thousand people hate

暮冬-  | 初晴-

Late winter - | attendance -

捂耳听风 | 挽风入耳

Cover their ears to listen to the wind | arm in the wind

关灯有我在i | 开灯就是你i

Turn off the lights in the I | I open lamp is you I

桔梗花的海洋 | 蒲公英的半海

A sea of the ocean of balloon flower | dandelion

深情如许 | 与你白头

Deep feeling so much | grow with you

装天真 | 装幼稚

With the naive | juvenile installed

゛-宿丶命│ ゛-纠丶结

゛ - lodge, life │ ゛ - remedy, knot


The sunflower. | hin collector.

亲爱的、挫人 | 亲爱的、挫神

Dear, fell | dear, god

为你痴狂 | 喂你狂吃

Crazy for you | feed you eat

情到深处人孤独 | 人到孤独更情深

Deep affection to the people alone | to more deep loneliness


ˇ I not Grosvenor LTD handsome | ˇ I not Bai Fu beauty

颜不如初. | 人不如故.

Yan is not the same. | not the same.

执恋 |执爱

Holds love | hold love

熟悉的气息- | 陌生的氛围-

Be familiar with the breath - | strange atmosphere -

\失了身*| 失了心*

  lost * * |   lost heart

清欢相伴 | 温酒相随

QingHuan company | he drank

半声笛 | 半城柳

Half sound flute | half willow


If you can dream | affair

成绩差的学生总比人渣好 | 吃货总比痴货好

Students with poor grades is better than scum | version is better than chi goods

抬手牵流岚 | 举步过忘川

Hand holding flowing haze | all over sichuan

白天不懂夜的黑 | 咖啡不懂酒的醉

Don;t understand the night;s black | coffee during the day don;t understand wine drunk

半点清露入墨 | 一缕清香入画

| a wisp of fragrance show any clear lotion into the ink

北港初晴 | 南岸末阴

At the end of the south north Hong Kong attendance | Yin

娇唇印甜蜜 | 眼眸印温柔

Gentle charming sweet | eyes the lip seals

颜不如初 | 人不如故

Yan is not the same | people is not the same

[ 唯独你入眼 ] | [ 唯有你倾心 ]

[but you eyes] | only you fall in love]

人间十二月满 | 莫留十三月孤

Human full | mo for December 10 March alone

南城以南少年愁 | 北城以北少年梦

South north of the south of the young sorrow | beicheng young dream


Heartless injury "| rink hijinks tao lung love"

余温 。 | 失温 。

The keypad. | temperature.

我也很想他 | 我也很想她

I also want to his | I also want to her


Hold me tight | warm me


Together on the other side of the |

待我长发及腰 | 肯定静电不少

My long hair and waist | must be static

请勿模仿姐 | 请勿模仿哥

Please don;t imitate elder sister | please don;t imitate elder brother

那是曾经? | 只是回忆?

It is used? | just memories?

折流云为笔 | 拾落叶为纸

Fold the cloud for pen | leaves for the paper

蜡笔小新@ | 蜡笔小舅@

Crayon small new little brother @ @ | crayons

轻描、幸福的未来 | 淡写、甜蜜的回忆

Light tracing, happy future | baby write, sweet memory

倾听你的心跳. | 静观你的素颜.

Listen to your heart. | watch you without makeup.

毁你我怕遭雷劈 | 离你我怕遭天谴

Destroy you I was afraid of being hit | from you I am afraid that by the scourge

年华似水流、 | 花落怎知愁 、

Time like water flow, | how do it know sorrow,

情╰╮相惜 | 心╰╮若惜

If love ╰ ╮ pity heart | ╰ ╮ precious little

山有扶苏 | 隰有荷华

Shan ying fusu | xi Iowa

不高兴 | 笑一个

Not happy | a smile

在乎你的在乎 | 心疼你的心疼

Care about you care about | love dearly your heart hurts

成绩优异的学生总会反光 | 成绩差的学生总会掉渣

Students with excellent grades always reflective | low-achieving students always slag

深情已是死罪! | 怎怕挫骨扬灰!

Affection is death! | how afraid fell bone dust!

渔舟唱晚 | 彼岸灯火

Sing night | the shore fishing lights

倾城醉 | 红颜悴

The whole drunk | beauty strain

始于初见 | 止于终老

Begins with the first | to die

fsミ妖精 | fsミ恶魔

Fs ミ goblin | fs ミ demons

未成年 | 未成熟

Minor | immature

早恋提高情商 | 晚恋有害健康

Puppy love grow emotionally | love late is bad for your health

夏、恋凉。 | 冬、念暖。

Cool summer, love. | winter and warm.

躺着也能睡着 | 站着也能中枪

Lying can sleep | station can also be shot in

人情冷暖. | 冷暖自知.

The changes in temperature. | affair.

入画浅相思 | 入骨深相知

Show the shallow acacia | deep acquaintance to the marrow

I die. | heart is like a desert island.

倾城醉,醉秋风悲凉 | 红颜悴,悴君已陌路

The whole drunk, drunk the autumn wind sad | beauty strain, the strain jun has been strangers

浮生若不弃 | 此生则不离

If you can not abandon | life is everywhere

烛火阑珊影孤芳 | 惊雷崩落梦已惘

Candlelight decayed shadow solitary fang | the convulsion of caving dream already

相思花落尽 | 花落相思尽

Acacia flowers all | went missing

清唱过往、 | 执笔抒情、

Cantata, | write lyrical past,

爱我你会火 | 跟我贼稳妥

I love you will fire | thief safe with me


If the precious little | mo from

花落、为谁祭 | 花开、谁相惜

Flowers fall, for whom the | flower, who pity

智商已欠费! | 我给你充钱!

IQ has been overdue bills! | I charge money for you!

森呼吸 | 林距离

Sen | Lin from breathing


Left little goof | left, little fool

左手倒影 ┃右手年华 

Left hand reflection  ┃ right time 

煎蛋饼的爱情 | 爽歪歪的等待

Omelette love | cool, dropping to wait

一月情 | 六月雨

January | rain in June

反反复复一句ヽ| 简简单单一句ヽ

Repeated a ヽ ヽ | simple sentence

安等暖阳. | 亦忘风凉.

Such as warming Yang. | also forget cooling.

木兰笺字雕白首 | 青骢绝尘塑天荒

Mulan depicting words carving whitehead | green Cong white plastic days shortage

沫离、| 沫弃、

Foam from, | foam abandon,

绾酒 | 晩叶

Wan | wine leaves a rainy night

纤罗舞霓裳 | 兰芷步阡陌

ROM. Dance step house | LAN zhi buildings

〆 地域、殿堂 | 〆 天国、葬礼

〆 region, halls, | 〆 heaven, funerals

六块钱麻辣烫 | 五毛钱小辣条

Small six dollars malatang | five hair moneys spicy dry tofu

温暖你 | 靠近我

Warm you | close to me

小老公 ╲|小老婆 ╲

Small husband ╲ | little wife ╲

待你白头 | 陪你终老

Bald | to accompany you forever

暧昧如戏. | 尘埃未定.

Ambiguous, such as play. | undetermined dust.

陪你年少 | 伴你白首

Accompany you less a whitehead |

是久伴 | 是深爱

With | is the deep love is long

北有亡梦i | 南有孤岛i

North have dead dream I | south island I

▲不滥情的男子| ▲不专一的女子

Bring not promiscuous man | bring several woman

怕不能 | 怕错过

Afraid can;t | afraid miss

可劲疯 | 何弃疗

Can strength the mad | how to refuse treatment

兮美人朝暮 | 思佳伊始乾

Beauty at the beginning of morning evening | think better dry

消停。 | 闹腾。

Cease. | escapades.

酒易醉﹏ヽ | 心易碎﹏ヽ

Easy drunk man ヽ | heart fragile man ヽ

细雨   |  狂风

Drizzle | winds

誓言终成谎言 | 佳话终成笑话

Vow to lie | charming story into a joke

街灯亮 | 晚风归

Street lights | night breeze

夜里把灯点 | 灯下把墨研

At night the light point | light under the ink

温柔小妩媚 | 霸道小高傲

Tender little enchanting | bully stuck-up

南湘以南席城梦 | 席城以北南湘愿

South hunan mat city dream | seats in north-south city south of hunan

清涟不妖 | 鸾烛不离

QingLian not demon | luan candle stick

深爱不及永伴i | 关怀不及久在i

Love than me forever | I care less for a long time in the I

默默爱蛋蛋* | 蛋蛋爱默默*

Love balls * | egg silently silent and *

笨小蛋丶 | 逗小逼丶

Stupid little eggs, | make force,

携手相爱 | 执手相依

| love hold hands together hand in hand

长发挽君心 | 青丝缠郎君

Long hair in js mi ammy | of moss bound

醉眼迷红妆 | 昔日醉红尘

ZuiYan fan red makeup | once drunk the world of mortals

盯裆猫 | 互撸娃

At the cat | does lu Eva

伴我暖i | 与你安i

With my warm I | Ann I with you

冬天虐我千百遍 | 被子待我如初恋

Winter abuse me thousands times | quilt treat me like the first love

望你城 | 妄你城

Hope you city | jump you city

回憶茤浓﹌ | 想菍茤重﹌

Memories 茤 thick ﹌ | think 菍 茤 ﹌

醒是更深的梦 | 梦是无声的醒

Wake is deeper dream | is silent

丿凊颜灬相熙 | 丿凝思灬霜琴

丿 part yan 灬 phase city | 丿 contemplate 灬 frost


Dreams and | city and don;t

月寒影对 | 梦暖情双

On cold shadow of | dream NuanQing double

非你不娶 | 非你不嫁

Non-you don;t marry | you don;t marry

暖瞳 |温眸

Warm pupil | warm eyes

愿你不曾离去。 | 愿我陪伴永久。

I wish you never leave. | I would like to accompany the permanent.

He name life | she love him

折扇戏美人 | 掀纱窥君容

Folding fan play beauty | lift yarn looking gentleman

梦旅人 | 孤旅人

Dream traveler | lonely journey

一指流砂 | 一段年华

A refers to flow sand | a period of time

月暮浊冥薄阴情 | 孤阳流光溺清明

Month in both turbidity drowned ghost thin Yin feeling | solitary Yang of time to clear

过去不回首. | 未来不将就.

In the past, don;t look back. | will not in the future.

The blue wet | red dye

窥视者 | 跟踪人

Peepers | tracking

温顺小姑娘。 | 帅气小伙子。

Gentle girl. | handsome young man.

白绫纱青丝 | 眉目亦如画

To make white silk yarn of moss | picturesque


Pain silent ゛ | love galling ゛

画个句号给昨天〃 | 画个逗号给明天〃

Draw a full stop to "draw | a comma quotation yesterday to tomorrow"

惜花尚未折。 | 奈何花已谢。

Precious little flower has yet to fold. | do flowers have withered.

〆 明媚如你  |  メ 温暖如初

〆 bright and beautiful as you | メ warm

唯伱依赖づ | 唯伱疼嗳づ

You only rely on づ | only you ay づ pain

狸不开 | 桃不掉

Everthing don;t open | peach

清曲 | 晚歌

Qing song | late

左耳情话 | 右耳年华

Left ear about | the right time

浅笑`依依 | 浅笑`漠漠

Smiling ` yiyi | chuckled ` vast and lonely

緈福の小男人 | 緈福の小女人

緈 f の little man | 緈 の little woman

一念之间 | 一念执着

A read | a persistent whim

执念莫相言╮ | 执念莫相语╮

Obsession mo phase it ╮ | ╮ obsession mo phase language

哥、呮対伱恏  |  姐呮対伱恏

Elder brother, 呮 you do | elder sister 呮 seaborne polices you do


Love season. | season break up.

呼吸多久念多久 | 心跳多久爱多久

How long how long how long how long to read | heartbeat love breathing


There, at the time of "|" shore not ended,

唯美式残剑 | 唯美式飞雪

Only beautiful remnants sword | beautiful snow

桃之夭夭 | 灼灼其华

Lines tao killings | beating its China

一曲一场叹 | 一世一流离

A song of a sigh | I of first class

好骚年前途无量 | 好姑娘光芒万丈

Good SAO years promising | good girl


In the winter. ヘ | spring. ヘ

一醉亦倾城 | 一指亦流年

Also have a drunk also fallen | one finger

咏似水中月ゝ | 叹似镜中花ゝ

Xu month ゝ in sishui | sigh like flowers ゝ in the mirror

知你冷暖 | 懂你悲喜

Changes in temperature | you understand your feeling

の、寶  |  の、翼

の, treasure | の, wing

曲水流觞 | 笙歌离殇

Song water renovation of works | strike from ruin

格仔衫 | 帆布鞋

Checkered shirt | canvas shoes

吵啥子嘛吵 | 装啥子嘛装

Noisy what noisy | pack what don

泪不尽、鸟空啼 | 藕不断、心亦乱

Tears is endless, empty bird crow | lotus root, the mind is also constantly

甜甜の、微笑? | 暖暖の、拥抱?

Sweet の, smile? | warm の, hug?


Don;t love pain is pain beasts, | love is people,

笑为谁含蓄 | 哭等谁回眸

Who laugh implicative | cry for who look back

阳光晒干白衬衣 | 微风轻抚红裙摆

Sun dry white shirt | breeze caresses the red skirt

我知你长短 | 我知你深浅

I know you as you want | I know you

爱他,莞尔流年 | 爱她,夏至末至

Love him, love her smile time |, at the end of the summer solstice

絮雪亦云霜 | 淡逸致雨寒

Flocculant snow cloud also frost | pale cold from the rain


Little fool came | little fool ♀


Lover heart | chi person tears

陪你追 | 待你归

Accompany you | to you

既然琴瑟起 | 何以笙箫默

Since harps | why sheng xiao

北岛情书 | 南屿情话

The north island love letter | south lantau prattle

つ蒼生繁華" |  つ如夢似幻"

