视频1 视频21 视频41 视频61 视频文章1 视频文章21 视频文章41 视频文章61 视频扩展1 视频扩展6 视频扩展11 视频扩展16 文章1 文章201 文章401 文章601 文章801 文章1001 资讯1 资讯501 资讯1001 资讯1501 标签1 标签501 标签1001 关键词1 关键词501 关键词1001 关键词1501 专题2001
2022-05-03 22:41:17 责编:小OO

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、The more energy packed into a battery, the higher the danger that the liquid electrolyte will catch fire.(电池存储的能量越多,液态电解质着火的危险就越大。)

2、These are immersed in an electrolyte of dilute sulphuric acid.(他们浸在一种稀释硫酸制成的电解质中。)

3、The lemon juice is called electrolyte.(而柠檬中的柠檬汁就是电解质。)

4、and they're immersed in an electrolyte made of positive and negative ions dissolved in a solvent.(他们被浸没在正负离子溶于溶剂的电解液中。)

5、The stacks go into plastic pouches that are then filled with liquid electrolyte and vacuum-sealed shut.(之后,多个“三明治”摞进装满电解质溶液的真空包装中。)

6、Muscle cramping often occurs as a result of electrolyte imbalance, so it's critical that you replace your electrolytes.(肌肉痉挛通常是由于电解质失衡所造成的,所以及时补充电解质十分重要。)

7、Lithium-ion batteries have two electrodes immersed in an electrically conductive solution, called an electrolyte.(锂离子电池有两个电极浸入在被称作电解质的导电溶液中。)

8、As in a NiCad battery, the NiMH's anode is made of nickel oxyhydroxide immersed in an electrolyte of potassium hydroxide.(就像镍镉充电电池一样,金属氢化镍电池的阳极是由浸泡在氢氧化钾电解质中的羟基氧化镍制作而成。)

9、It is possible to make such a battery with a solid electrolyte, but until now that has been done by a process called vacuum deposition.(用固态电解质来生产这样的电池是可能的,但目前锂离子电池还是通过真空镀膜的方式来生产。)

10、Previous researchers had tried to sidestep this problem by using gel polymers for the electrolyte, but even these contained flammable solvents.(先前的研究人员设法用凝胶聚合物电解质来避开这个问题,但是仍会含有易燃的溶剂。)

11、It's a filament made from tin oxide anode and lithium cobalt oxide cathode suspended in an ionic liquid electrolyte.(它是丝状的,以锡的氧化物为正极,锂钴氧化物为负极,悬浮在离子电解液中。)

12、The electrolyte is stored in an external tank and pumped through the battery’s cells to convert chemical energy into electricity.(电解液储存在容器外然后泵过电池并将化学能转换为电能。)

13、Treatment is not generally required, except electrolyte replacement and rehydration.(除去补充电解质和补液疗法之外,通常并不需要治疗。)

14、Like a battery, they use positive and negative electrodes separated by an electrolyte.(燃料电池像电池一样,有正、负电极,两极之间是电解液。)

15、Try to drink plenty of water or electrolyte fluids to get rid of stomach virus.(为了消除肠胃感染病毒,要喝大量的水或电解质液体。)

16、Seawater has a high concentration of ions, much like the battery's electrolyte.(海水包含高浓度的离子,非常类似于电池的电解液。)

17、Once in the polymer, the electrolyte stays there until a newly applied voltage coaxes it out.(一旦电解液被聚合物吸入,那这些液体就得待在里面,直到新输入的电压把它们给排出去。)

18、Planar, however, has discovered a solid electrolyte it believes is suitable for thin-film printing.(然而,Planar公司找到一种据信能适用于薄膜印刷的固态电解质。)

19、The positive ions are drawn to a second electrode, via a membrane or electrolyte that will not allow electrons to pass through.(正离子通过一层抗拒电子的薄膜或电解质进入第二电极。)

20、Then they immerse this electrode in a potassium nitrate electrolyte solution.(最后他们把电极放在钠硝酸盐电极的溶液中进行沉淀。)

21、That generates electricity and causes the metals to recombine in the electrolyte.(这会产生电流并使金属在电解液中重新合成。)

22、But the electrolyte can evaporate, causing the muscle to dry out when exposed to the air.(但是电解液会挥发,因此当这种肌肉暴露在空气中时就会干涸。)

23、The ions crossed the electrolyte and the electrons travelled round the external circuit.(锂离子穿过电解质,而电子穿过外部电路。)

24、All fuel cells have the same basic configuration; an electrolyte and two electrodes.(所有的燃料电池有相同的基本结构,包括一种电解质和两种电极。)

25、In both cases these are electroplated onto the structure before the remaining gaps are filled with liquid electrolyte.(这两种方法都是在空隙被电解液填满之前对导电构架进行电镀。)

26、The cause of death are pulmonary infection, electrolyte disturbances, arhythmia, glycopenia or hyperglycaemia cataphora.(死亡原因是肺部感染,电解质紊乱,心律不齐,糖尿或高血糖症。)

27、Liquid battery: an early prototype battery has been sawed in half to reveal its electrodes and electrolyte, which are liquid during operation.(液态电池:图为从中间切开的这种电池早期的原型,可以看到它的两极和里面工作的电解液。)

28、The water saturated with electrolyte.(水中的电解质饱和了。)

29、Bananas are high in potassium, a key electrolyte, and a good source of carbohydrates.(香蕉富含钾——一种主要的电解质,而且是碳水化合物的主要来源。)

30、Proton exchange membrane fuel cells use a perfluorosulfonic solid polymer film as electrolyte.(质子交换膜燃料电池采用全氟磺酸固体聚合物膜为电解质。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


